If you're interested in getting some tips on how to play league of legends, you're in for a treat. This game was one of the first introduced to the world by a certain Korean-American game developer. It quickly became a crowd favorite and the reason is simple: it's fun! However, learning how to play this particular game can require some time and effort if you want to master the nuances of it.

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League of Legends is actually a free online game from the MOBA genre (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) - a kind of strategy game where you can either participate in battle or go on the offense. The actual game is designed to be played 5v5, though other modes are supported as well. The basic goal of the game is to obtain more experience points (the common currency within the game) and to level up your character (you get these by winning battles). You can also obtain a free champion skin by winning a match, and these are extremely rare.


The game also features a "lol" or "h um" ("I love") system where you can type in certain phrases into chat when you're in a game and see what other players would be saying about you. For example, if you have an I Love You champion you'll find a bunch of people saying things like "nice champ" or "wow that's awesome" or "opposing league." As you level up, you earn the right to call out these "conditions" in a comment. The top player in a league at the end of the season wins the championship, and the player with the most seasons wins the title.

How to Play League of Legends - The Basics


Learning how to use the summoner spells is quite simple. The only hard decision will be which summoner spells to choose. There are basically six total summoner spells: Barrier, Charm, Flare, Teleport, Barrier Aura, and Detonate. Teleport is probably the best for new players since it allows you to move almost anywhere on the map; Barrier is great for keeping yourself shielded from ganks and Teleport is a great way to get out of sticky situations where you might want to engage in a fight.

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When playing the game, you need to remember that there are two types of champions: champions and inhibitors. Champions can attack/kill anyone they want, while inhibitors are special items that block the champions. Inhibitors can't attack or be attacked. They basically just turn everything around them to where the champions can't get to them. For instance, an inhibitor would be the "red" side of the map, the "blue" side being the "green" side. If you're able to trap someone into the red side inhibitors, then you're pretty much guaranteed to win that particular game.

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To play this game well, you should always know what kind of champions are in your league. You must get a good idea on what each of the characters in your league are capable of doing. Also, you need to figure out what the opposing league is doing, and how you are going to counter it. These are very important skills to master because if you don't know how to play against the other team, you will be doomed.

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It's also recommended that you have one summoner spell that is specific to each of the characters in your league. There are certain summoner spells that only work with certain characters, so it's important to learn them. That way, if you have Tristana, you won't waste mana casting a spell that Tristana already has an answer to. Another good idea is to find summoner spells that can counter the most common moves/stances of the opposing teams.


Learning how to play League of Legends isn't really difficult as long as you have the patience to learn everything about this particular game. It's very easy to get confused especially if you're not that familiar with the basics. You must also understand that the game isn't for the brain alone; you need to have great teamwork in order to win. Once you get these basics, you will then be ready to start learning how to play League of Legends.

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